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Citations and access to published versions, coauthors etc via: Google Scholar Profile
Email to me, if some troubles in access (especially for unpublished articles in preprint).
- Multiparty Delegated Private Set Union with Efficient Updates on Outsourced Datasets
- accepted in an upcoming issue of the TDSC (DOI: 10.1109/TDSC.2024.3419576)
- (with Heewon Chung and Patrick Chulsoon Yang)
- Computational Improvements to the ADS-based Verifiable Set Operations
- a submission to IEEE TDSC
- (with Heewon Chung)
Research publications
- Taming the round efficiency of cryptographic protocols for private web search schemes (pdf)
- Information Sciences 612: 1-21, 2023
- (with Injae Lee)
- A Key Recovery Protocol for Multiparty Threshold ECDSA Schemes (pdf)
- IEEE Access 10: 133206--133218, 2022
- (with Sangrae Cho and Seongbong Choi and Young-Seob Cho and Soohyung Kim and Hyung Tae Lee)
- Bulletproofs+: Shorter Proofs for a Privacy-Enhanced Distributed Ledger (pdf)
- IEEE Access 10: 42067-42082, 2022
- (with Heewon Chung, Kyoohyung Han and Chanyang Ju and Jae Hong Seo)
- Toward Round-Efficient Verifiable Re-Encryption Mix-Net (pdf)
- IEEE Access 10: 91397--91413
- Homomorphic comparison for point numbers with user-controllable precision and its applications (pdf)
- Symmetry 12(5): 788-810, 2020
- (with Heewon Chung, Ahmad Al Badawi, Khin Mi Mi Aung, and Bharadwaj Veeravalli)
- Search condition-hiding query evaluation on encrypted databases (pdf)
- IEEE Access 7: 161283-161295, 2019
- (with Hyung Tae Lee, San Ling, Shu Qin Ren, Benjamin Tan, and Huaxiong Wang)
- Experimenting With Non-Interactive Range Proofs Based on the Strong RSA Assumption (pdf)
- IEEE Access 7: 117505-117516, 2019
- (with Hyung Tae Lee)
- Private Compound Wildcard Queries using Fully Homomorphic Encryption (pdf)
- Accepted at IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2017
- (with Hyung Tae Lee and San Ling and Benjamin Hong Meng Tan and Huaxiong Wang)
- Encoding of Rational Numbers and Their Homomorphic Computations for FHE-based Applications (pdf)
- International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2018, 29(6): 1023-1044
- (with Heewon Chung)
- An Experimental Study of Encrypted Polynomial Arithmetics for Private Set Operations
- Journal of Communications and Networks, 2017, 19(5):431-441.
- (with Benjamin Z. Kim)
- Private Over-threshold Aggregation Protocols over Distributed Datasets
- IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2016, 28(9):2467-2479.
- (with Abedelaziz Mohaisen and Jung Hee Cheon
and Yongdae Kim)
- Optimized Search-and-Compute Circuits and Their Application to Query Evaluation on Encrypted Data
- IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security, 2016, 11(1):188-199.
- (with Jung Hee Cheon and Miran Kim)
- On the Efficiency of FHE-based Private Queries (pdf)
- Accepted at IEEE Trans. Dependable and Secure Computing, and Cryptology ePrint Archive 2015:1176.
- (with Hyung Tae Lee and
San Ling and
Huaxiong Wang)
- Search-and-Compute on Encrypted Data (pdf)
- Financial Cryptography Workshops 2015:142-159.
- (with Jung Hee Cheon and Miran Kim)
- Private Web Search with Constant Round Efficiency
- ICISSP 2015: 205-212.
- This paper contained a serious error which is fixed in the draft of
the full version (pdf).
- (with Boram Kang and Seung Cheol Goh)
- Secure Encounter-Based Mobile Social Networks: Requirements, Designs, and Tradeoffs
- IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2013, 10(6):380-393.
- (with Abedelaziz Mohaisen and Denis Foo Kune and Eugene Y. Vasserman and Yongdae Kim)
- Private Over-Threshold Aggregation Protocols
- In ICISC 2012: 472-486.
- (with Abedelaziz Mohaisen and Jung Hee Cheon and Yongdae Kim)
- Compress Multiple Ciphertexts Using ElGamal Encryption Schemes
- Journal of KMS, 2013, 50(2):361-377.
- (with Jihye Kim and Jung Hee Cheon)
- A Public Shuffle without Private Permutations
- Cryptology ePrint Archive 2012:301.
- (with Jinsu Kim and Jung Hee Cheon)
- Privacy-preserving web search (pdf)
- ICUFN 2012:480-481
- (with Jihye Kim)
- Mutual Private Set Intersection with Linear Complexity
- In WISA 2011: 219-231.
- (with Hyung Tae Lee and Jung Hee Cheon)
- A secure smart-metering protocol over power-line communication
- IEEE Tran. on Power Delivery, 2011, 26(4):2370-2379.
- (with Sungwook Kim and Eun Young Kwon and Jung Hee Cheon and Seong-ho Ju and Young-hoon Lim and and Moon-seok Choi)
- Crypto-Research Project supervised by KIISC
- 1st Workshop, May 2015. (pdf)
- 2nd Workshop, Sep. 2016. (pdf)
Other writings
1. Patents
- Method and apparatus for efficiently encrypting/decrypting digital content according to broadcast encryption scheme
- US9015077 (with Bongseon Kim and Sunghyu Han and Youngsun Yoon and Sunnam Lee and Jaeheung Lee)
- Key management method using hierarchical node topology, and method of registering and deregistering user using the same
- US8983071 (with Sunghyu Han and Bongseon Kim and Youngsun Yoon and Sunnam Lee and and Jaeheung Lee)
- Obfuscation method for process of encrypting/decrypting block cipher using boolean function expression and apparatus for the same
- KR1012812750000 (with Jung Hee Cheon)
- Method and apparatus for managing digital content
- US8474055 (with uhee Seo and Haksoo Ju and Jiyoung Moon and Mihwa Park)
- System and method for building home domain using smart card which contains information of home network member device
- US8347076 (with Jaeheung Lee and Suhyun Nam and Yongjin Jang and and Yanglim Choi)
- Method of controlling content access and method of obtaining content key using the same
- US8341402 (with Sunghyu Han and Youngsun Yoon and Sunnam Lee and Bongseon Kim and Jaeheung Lee)
- Method and devices for reproducing encrypted content and approving reproduction
- US8321660 (with Haksoo Ju and Jiyoung Moon)
- Method of packaging broadcast contents
- US8301571 (with Sunghyu Han and Youngsun Yoon and Jaeheung Lee and Bongseon Kim and Moonyoung Choi)
- Method for transmitting content in home network using user-binding
- US8234493 (with Sunghyu Han and Yongkuk You and Youngsun Yoon and Bongseon Kim and Jaeheung Lee)
- Key management method for home network and home network device and system using the same
- US8170215 (with Sunnam Lee and Suhyun Nam and Sangsu Choi and Sunghyu Han)
- Method and apparatus for managing digital content
- US8161296 (with Yoon Youngsun and Lee Sunnam and Kim Bongseon and Lee Jaeheung and Han Sunghyu)
- Method and apparatus for backing up and restoring domain information
- US8156344 (with Bongseon Kim and Sunghyu Han and Youngsun Yoon and Sunnam Lee and Jaeheung Lee)
- Method and apparatus for checking proximity between devices using hash chain
- US8122487 (with Jaeheung Lee and Sunghyu Han and Youngsun Yoon and Sunnam Lee and Bongseon Kim)
- Home network system and method therefor
- US7979913 (with Yongjin Jang and Suhyun Nam and Jaeheung Lee)
- Scrambling apparatus and method using conversion of motion vector information of video data
- US7826615 (with Suhyun Nam and Yongjin Jang and Sunnam Lee and Jaeheung Lee and Sangsu Choi)
2. Miscellany