About me
I have joined the Department of Mathematics, Gachon University in March 2021.
I am mainly interested in cryptographic mechanics of secure computation such as MPC and HE.
More specifically, my interest is two-folds:
- Cryptographic Primitives
- Cryptographic gadgets for efficient MPC
- Dynamic searchable encryption
- Efficient ADSs for verifiable DB queries
- Cryptographic Applications
- Privacy and integrity in set operations over dynamic sets
- Privacy-preserving data mining
I graduated from Seoul National University in 2012, under the supervision of Prof. Jung Hee Cheon.
My PhD thesis is on the "Cryptographic Shuffles and their Applications".
Previously, I was working for Department of information Security, the University of Suwon, to March, 2021.
Until 2007, I was a senior engineer at Connectivity Lab., DM R&D Center at Samsung Electronics.